Happy 2019! It’s a brand new year and you know what that means…time to make a New Year’s resolution. Are you enthusiastic about setting one and then lose interest after a few weeks? Or do you half-heartily make one knowing you won’t keep it because you haven’t in the past? What if you could make a resolution this year and keep it? How would that make you feel?
When we make a New Year’s resolution, often times it is too broad. For example, ‘I am going to lose weight’ or ‘I am going to get healthy’. These statements are too general and not specific enough so it’s difficult to keep them. Below I’ve listed some steps that help you set goals because after all a New Year’s resolution is just that- a goal.
- Write it down. Thinking or saying it is one thing but writing it down makes it more tangible. Whenever you do write it down, make sure to state it in the present tense and be specific. For example, ‘I lose 15 pounds by eating healthy and exercising 4 times a week’.
- Be realistic. Think about the goal you want to achieve and look at your life. Becoming a vegetarian who exercises and meditates everyday might be unrealistic if you’ve been sitting on the couch and eating fast food. A more realistic goal would be to ‘eat more fruits and vegetables and exercise 3 times a week’. It’s achievable and once you get there you can always make a new goal.
- Set a time limit. Setting a time limit or deadline can keep you motivated, on track and accountable. For instance, ‘I lose 2 pounds a month to total 24 pounds by the end of the year. It’s measurable, specific, and realistic.
- Make it positive. There is no room for negativity here! Stay away from words like ‘will’, ‘won’t’, ‘try’, ‘not’, ‘never’, ‘want’, ‘should’, ‘could’, and ‘would’. They send a message to your brain that either you’re not ready for the change or don’t want it that bad. It could sabotage your success before you really get started.
- Visualize it. Visualizing is a great way to keep you motivated and on track. After you’ve written your goal, visualize the end result. See yourself as if you’ve already achieved your goal. How do you feel? What do you look like? What’s your life like? Hold this image for about a minute and then let it go. Do this as often as you need whenever you feel discouraged or lack motivation.
I hope the 5 steps help you make and keep your New Year’s resolution. You can use these steps whenever you want to set a goal and just not at New Year’s.
Wishing you a happy and healthy 2019!
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Image credit: https://www.123rf.com/profile_detry